lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017



For this task we were asked to create a program in which the user will prompt a temperature in Fahrenheit and convert it into Celsius The program also had to sate if water would boil at the temperature given by the user.

In this exercise we´ll be using function to strength the knowledge from the past post.

1.- First define your function and make it return a value:
                 def fahrenheit (x):
                      return (5*(x-32)/9)
2.- Declare your variable, remember to make an input on it so the user can type a value:
x= float(input(("Temperature you would like to convert")))
c=fahrenheit (x)

3.- Print the answer:
print ("That´s", c, "celsisus degrees")

4.- Use an "If" function to get the program to tell you if water will boil or not:
if x<212:
    print ("Water does not Boil at this temperature")
    print ("Water will Boil")

Complete code: 

print ("Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius")
def fahrenheit (x):
    return (5*(x-32)/9)

x= float(input(("Temperature you would like to convert")))
c=fahrenheit (x)

print ("That´s", c, "celsisus degrees")
if x<212:
    print ("Water does not Boil at this temperature")
    print ("Water will Boil")


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